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I like making them, I like eating them.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Duck Breast and fartichokes
Carri-anne is a professional so her recipe is rather abbreviated:

Carri-anne's original recipe 

It also looks to be proportioned for a full sheet pan, not the half sheet pans that will fit in a domestic oven, so I'm cutting her recipe in half. At 74% hydration, this is a wet dough so will be sloppy, but that's fine since you'll be working on a sheet pan. This is a lot more yeast than I use for my bread, so it will rise quickly at room temperature.

900 g Flour, Bread (100%)
668 g Water (74%)
 12 g Yeast (1.3%, 1 Tbs)
 16 g Salt, Kosher (1.8%, 1 Tbs)
      Olive Oil
 30 g Dried Herb Blend: herb de Provence, garlic powder, rosemary, etc

In stand mixer, combine Flour and Water until a shaggy ball forms and flour is incorporated;
cover and let rest 30 minutes to autolyse (enzymes break down starch to sugars).
Add Yeast and mix in stand mixer for a minute at speed 1.
Add Salt and mix for 1 1/2 minutes at speed 2.
Leave dough in mixing bowl, cover, and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes.

Add all the Oil to a half-sheet pan; it will seem like a lot.
Add the dough and stretch to fill: it will spring back.
Refrigerate for 10 minutes and stretch out again, lifting bottom of dough from the pan so it doesn't stick; it should feel more relaxed.
Repeat twice: it should be relaxed enough to fill the corners and start puffing up.
Top with Herb Blend -- it will seem like a lot, but it's good this way; you can use fresh herbs too, but they weigh more
Let rise until quite puffy, 3-4 cm height (above the edges of my sheet pan).
Bake at 180C (350F) until dark golden.


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